Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Our First WeBlog

This is new for us, but we wanted a place for our friends and family to check in on us and keep up with what is going on with our family. We (Joey & Maribeth) have both turned 40 this year and enjoyed our birthday celebrations. Joey surprised Maribeth with a trip with some friends on Lake Gaston in Virginia. Maribeth gave Joey a trip on a hot air balloon. Some families in our church also gave our entire family a trip to Seattle for Joey's 4oth birthday, which we took in July.

Jesse is 14 and has entered High School this year although he is doing it at home on the internet. You can look up www. keystonehighschool.com to check it out. He is also playing the String bass with a private school orchestra and enjoying the youth group at church.

Hannah turned 13 in August and celebrated her birthday in California with Joey. We are continuing a tradition of Joey taking each kid on a special trip of their choosing on their 13th birthday. We went to San Francisco and Yosemite National Park. Hannah is in 8th Grade at Hanes Middle School and has lots of friends.

Ben is 7 and in the 2nd Grade at Sedge Garden Elementary. His passion continues to be mowing the yard. "Mow" was his first word and has always been his favorite thing to do, although it usually entails sitting on his dad's lap while dad mows.

We continue to enjoy our work at Christ Wesleyan Church, where Joey has served as Pastor for 12 years. Maribeth plays the piano/keyboard and teaches occasionally. The church is doing well and we are preparing to transition to two worship services within the year. Joey is still working on his doctoral thesis, just not enough to get it done any time soon. Maribeth is keeping busy helping Jesse get used to this new form of home-schooling.